- Start your project by filling out the form below
- We’ll schedule an organizing day that works for you
- You’ll finally get that much needed space back!
Hear what our customers have to say about Changing Places’ unpacking and organizing service:
“Thank you so much, everyone! The house is looking beautiful, and I can’t believe how much you got done in such a short period of time.“
Jeff Lawson, San Francisco
“It’s like they are some sort of angels. I was dreading this task, as it was a huge one, but I can honestly say I had fun. That’s priceless!”
Kelsey Hanson, Personal Assistant
San Francisco, CA
“My experience with Changing Places changed my life!“
Frank and Linda Paul, Palm Springs
“Margaret and her team accomplished in one day what would have taken us months.”
Jason & Molly
Alamo, CA