Marin Best Home Organizer


Marin MagazineMay 2021

Marin Magazine 2019July 2019

PressFebruary 2016

May 2016

NHGMay 2016

NobHillGazette2016October 2015

April 2016

January 2016

Luxury Marketing Council SFJuly 2009

San Francisco Examiner ArticleOctober 2008

Downsizing ArticleJanuary 2007

Twin Cities TimesJanuary 2008

Twin Cities TimesFall 2005

September 2000

Margaret and team help a client with a complex downsizing project: From 3,000 square feet to 1,200 square feet. Watch the magic happen!

Online real estate blog and radio broadcast THE PROPERTY BEAT KLOK 1170 AM invited Margaret Walsh to speak to all things moving & relocation. She shares sage advice for every homeowner (and renter!)

An in-depth interview with Changing Places Founder

An interview with Realtor Sylvie Zolezzi

The Niche Interiors team at work with a Changing Places client


Channel 7 News : RentAWife 1993